Media usage in one of traditional advertising’s key demos just isn’t what it used to be. Recent data again shows a loss in TV viewing in the 18-34 demo. In the last two years, this demo is watching traditional TV 24 minutes less per day— almost the length of a whole sit-com.


Adults 18-34 have long been considered very valuable– with no family or mortgage responsibilities, they have disposable income, and make high-frequency purchases such as fast food, clothing and entertainment.

But this generation hardly knows what it’s like to NOT be digitally connected. Between computers, smartphones and I-pads, the 18-34 year olds haven’t known a time that information wasn’t at their fingertips– and under their own control.

In contrast, these active young adults are online for hours each day. And advertisers can easily reach them via Facebook ads, search or display ads, and video PPC ads.

When our online agency, Ad House Advertising, attended Google’s 2013 All-Star Event for digital ad agencies, Google emphasized the value of the video online audience. And to my surprise, someone in the front row asked this question: “I have a motorcycle dealership. Would video PPC ads be a good fit for this client?” I nearly fell off my chair.

This demo, particularly young men, can’t be found cost-efficiently on TV today. But they can be found glued to YouTube. And with a well-targeted video PPC ad, you not only have exposure to that valuable prospective customer with sight, sound, motion, emotion– you only pay for those who are interested in your product or service. And consider that the video PPC ad’s cost– about a dime for each person– allows advertisers to stop spending ad dollars for exposure to those who are not interested in their product.

Where did the valuable 18-34 demo go? Online. Sometimes even to watch their favorite TV shows on the mobile device in their hand.

Call us locally at (505) 896-3388 or nationally at (888) 928-1242.

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