Good marketers know that to effectively meet business objectives, you need more than a compelling message, you need a strategic plan to get it in front of your audience in a setting where they’ll be receptive. At Edit House, we not only produce compelling, top quality video, but our experienced in-house media strategists at Ad House Advertising work hard to make sure that your video reaches the right audience at the right time.

Decades ago, you could produce a TV commercial, and buy airtime on several local TV stations. If you were strategic about which programs and dayparts you bought, you could be sure that your target audience would see your spot, and your business would benefit. Now, though, the TV landscape has changed, and it’s been changing for years. Year over year, traditional TV viewing has been steadily decreasing. With the rise of video-on-demand providers like Netflix, Hulu, YouTube and Amazon, linear TV has seen ratings plummet, especially among the coveted millennial demographic.

Because there has been such a large shift in the way consumers view TV and video, when approaching the marketing mix, we emphasize online placements for our clients. This is backed by extensive research and insight into consumer habits. Today, adults are five times as likely to prefer online platforms over cable or broadcast TV.

After discussing your ideal target audience with you, we do additional research and put together our recommendation for how to reach them. Then, we use our demand side platform to bid for online inventory in real time, based on the audience characteristics we worked with you to define. Our demand side platform allows us to target audiences based on age, income, household income, credit score, almost any qualifier you can imagine.

Sophisticated targeting means that you’re getting the most for your marketing dollar. Using digital advertising, there’s no waste. If your ideal customer is a 45-year-old male in market for a sports car, we can utilize hundreds of data sources to ensure that your ad is shown only to people that meet those criteria. You won’t be wasting impressions and dollars on showing that ad to a 24-year-old woman who drives an SUV for example.

Our media planners are able to layer advanced characteristic targeting methods with premium placement selections. This means that we can not only target 45-54-year-old males with an annual income of $150,000, but we can choose to show your ad to only those individuals on specific websites and on-demand providers.

Because all of our online media buys are bid in real time, we work with each account daily to optimize down to the minute. If during the campaign, we find that a group isn’t responding, we can make changes right then and there, you aren’t stuck with an ineffective 6-month media buy.

The media experts at Edit House Productions and Ad House Advertising know the importance of reaching your ideal audience at the right time. With sophisticated targeting methods and real time optimization, we consistently deliver results for our clients in the Albuquerque and Rio Rancho area! Call us today to see how we can help you!

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