Edit House Productions, LLC recently was named in a national video award from the National School Public Relations Association (NSPRA) award of honorable mention for “Destination: Graduation”, produced for the Rio Rancho Public School District. Edit House produced the first and final episodes of the video series, with RRPS staff producing two mid-year episodes. It was produced by Matt Smith and Kim Smith of Edit House Productions, LLC. The series of programs followed several high school seniors through their final year at each of the four high schools in the RRPS district.
Matt Smith created the motion graphics for the program, edited, and crafted the music soundtrack. Kim Smith interviewed the students, producing the segments into storytelling episodes. Photos and video captured by each of the students was also incorporated.
NSPRA’s Publications and Digital Media Excellence Awards recognize outstanding education publications, e-newsletters, digital media programs, radio/TV/video programs, social media, infographics, blogs and websites.
Honors are awarded according to publication or digital media type, and organization type and size. Entries are judged on their overall excellence as well as quality as compared to other entries in the category. The top award in each category is the Award of Excellence. Awards of Merit and Honorable Mentions are also given in each category.
NSPRA uses experienced, award-winning professionals to evaluate entries. Judges have no pre-set limit on the number of awards that may be given in each category. They may also opt to issue no awards in a category if no entries are deemed worthy of recognition.